I would say that the demeanour of a person, that is, how they behave, their body language, and their attitude, is a very important factor in job interviews. It can make or break the interview, because it provides a clear indication of the candidate's personality, attitude, and how well they would fit into the company's culture.
During an interview, an employer is looking for someone who is confident, competent, and able to communicate well, and this is where demeanour comes into play. If a candidate is nervous, fidgety, or has a poor attitude, it can leave a negative first impression and lower their chances of getting the job. On the other hand, if the candidate is confident, relaxed, and has a positive attitude, it can make them stand out from other candidates and increase their chances of getting hired.
In conclusion, demeanor is an important factor in job interviews because it gives the interviewer a sense of the candidate's personality and how well they would fit into the company's culture. If the candidate has a positive demeanour, it can increase their chances of getting the job, while a negative demeanour can lower their chances.